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What I find particularly interesting with Transsexual women.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: What I find particularly interesting with Transsexual women.

I find it interesting on their obsession with *being* and *appearing* to be a women. It's like they constantly need this validation of who they are. I've sat around and heard them talking about how this is more *fem* than that and blah blah blah. Are you all for real or what? Last time I checked, I do not sit around with my homegirls talking about how this or that is more feminine than that or this. That, in itself, is absurd.

Why? Maybe I am just ignorant on the issue here, I do not know. Another particularly interesting aspect of transsexuals is their fascination with their own feet...for real. They take massive pictures of their feet in high heels and tights. It's sort of creepy. Why?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`ok well i typed out a long response to this but the website ate it. so i'll just do this instead. i made a video a few months back to try to help people understand what it is we go through as transwomen so that people could understand why we are SO concerned with how we appear to the public. you can find it here. (removed) if you really are curious i recommend this video as it might help you answer some of this. :D

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`basically we are obsessed with *being* and *appearing* to be women because our very lives depend on it. a non transsexual woman doesn't have to worry that someone is going to kill her because they thought of her as a boy in a dress just because she didn't put on make up. but this is something we go through. the hate crimes and violence against us makes us be obsessed with our appearing to be a normal genetically born female. and when was the last time you went to the ladies room and had someone ask why you were not using the mens room like you should be??? that alone will make one obsessive about that. don't ya think?

as for the foot thing you see a lot of pictures of feet from trans girls because they haven't learned to do their make up yet or they don't feel confident enough to post pictures of their faces. and partly it again is because so many of us are beaten and killed and experience the loss of family and friends just because we told people we are transsexual and going to have surgery to fix it. AND a lot of transwomen never got the chance to learn make up and how to look pretty and dress pretty when we were children so we do it when we're older. learning makeup and clothing and getting a sense of life as a girl like non-trans-girls got to do as a kid. not to mention that being "femme" is not something most TRANSSEXUALS talk about that would be mostly other variants of TRANSGENDERED people which includes transvestites and crossdressers which are not even remotely the same as a transsexual.

what i find interesting is how people who are NOT transsexual have no issues with a child being born with a cleft pallet having surgery to fix their physical abnormality BUT when they see a transsexual they are quick to call them names and belittle their condition and treat the person like they are less than human. some go so far as to become violent and even kill us. AND we are told that our condition is a "mental disorder" but since when has plastic surgery fixed a mental problem? oh that's right it doesn't. but someone who was never transsexual decided our condition was a mental one. we're just trying to learn how to survive in a world and have the chance for a normal life where not putting on our makeup isn't the dividing line on whether we make it to the store and home safely or not. and we're just trying to figure out how to live normal happy healthy lives without being beaten to death because someone thought we didnt deserve to live because we are a little different.

hope that helped clear some of that up. if not sorry i tried.

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October 29, 2011
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`wow just being yourself should be if you have it in you too be sexy and have some kind of brains will it all comes in together......

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

tskristina wrote: `wow just being yourself should be if you have it in you too be sexy and have some kind of brains will it all comes in together......

Tell em!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`This post was started by an evil transphobic person who i had the unpleasent task of taking on as she had forced so many people to leave this site with her evil and vindictive comments again'st transexuals , the person who made the second and third post was just one of her victims . I stood up to her untill she was removed from this site and it was not something i enjoyed doing but she had to be stopped.

Kristina! you are correct in your comments and for most it does all come together but the post from amazon above was realy about the ones it does not , the video link is there to tell others how hard it is for some and it has less than 500 hits but when i recently uploaded a video on youtube and one of my breasts accidently came out for about 5 seconds it had far more than 500 hits in 2 days! that video was flagged and removed but i did'nt notice my breast was showing untill i looked back on the original video so i suppose that just goe's to show everyone that for some strange reason my breast was more interesting than amazons video about awareness "thats the world we live in" my breast was more interesting than other peoples lives.

This thread was started to incite hate "please let it go".


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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

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`I could say the same thing about cisgender men and women. Why do some men make it a point to prove how masculine they are when we are already know that they are men, same with women? I hate how the OP singles out transsexual women, because transsexual women are simply trying to live as women ... not transsexual women.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`There is no way to reverse through surgery or otherwise every effect testosterone has on the human body. That's why.

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